For faster service you can fill out your marriage license application online and submit to our office before you come in. You MUST appear at our office with the proper documents within 10 days of submitting your application. Click the image below for instructions and requirements for applying online.
Our normal operating hours are from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. M-F, including all offsite locations. Main office: 985-868-5660. __________________________________________________
Click sign below for a list of all legal holidays for 2025 and 2026._____________________________________________
Our office is pleased to offer a free service by the Louisiana Clerks of Court Association designed to alert customers to potential property & mortgage fraud in all parishes in the State of Louisiana, including Terrebonne. Sign up today to receive alerts when a document bearing your registered name is recorded in the land records of any parish in the state. Click the link below for eClerks Alerts!
You can now conduct a free search of land, civil and marriage records from all parishes across the state of Louisiana through the Louisiana Clerks of Court portal. Search results are linked to the participating Clerk’s website. Simply click on the eClerks icon above left.
7856 Main Street
Houma, LA 70360
Phone: 985-868-5660
415 Goode Street
Houma, LA 70360
Phone: 985-868-6802
PO Box 1569
Houma, LA 70361-1569
415 Goode Street
Houma, LA 70360
Phone: 985-868-7113
415 Goode Street
Houma, LA 70360
Phone: 985-868-7113
310 Church Street
Houma, LA 70360
Phone: 985-873-8376
310 Church Street
Houma, LA 70360
Phone: 985-868-5660
310 Church Street
Houma, LA 70360
Phone: 985-873-8376
Fax: 985-868-0239
Fax: 985-868-5143
Fax: 985-227-4971
(For all fax filed civil pleadings) Fax: 985-227-4971
(NOT for fax filing of pleadings) Fax: 985-868-5143
Fax: 985-868-5143
(Our office does NOT accept Criminal facsimile pleadings) Fax: 985-868-0239
Fax: 985-868-0239
Fax: 985-868-8309
Fax: 985-868-5143
Fax: 985-868-8309
Fax: 985-868-5143
Fax: 985-868-5143
Fax: 985-868-5143
Fax: 985-868-5143
Fax: 985-868-8309
Fax: 985-868-5143